
Nov 14 - Dec 09, 2024

Global Online Event

Scroll Articles Bounty Contest: Write and Earn!

Who is this contest for?

Web3 developers of all levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—who are passionate about learning and sharing their knowledge about the latest on Ethereum. The focus areas include applied ZK, scalability, and new technologies improving how we transact and interact on the Ethereum.

Contest Rules

  1. Pick a topic from the Prizes list down below. Each topic includes detailed expectations and a corresponding bounty for the article.
  2. Choose up to three topics from the board. Every participant can submit up to three articles of their choice, only one winner will be selected per topic.
  3. Optional: Share what you're working on via our Telegram group.
  4. Submit your article by the deadline Dec 9th 2024, 11:59 (UTC). It must be published on a public blog (e.g., Mirror, Hashnode, Hackmd,, Devpost, Paragraph, Medium, etc.) under an open-source license such as MIT, GPL, or CC BY.
  5. Winners will be contacted via Telegram (ensure your contact information is up to date).
  6. Stick to testnets (or devnets): Since the tutorials are for developers, please use testnets to ensure no real money is required.
  7. Submissions can be written in any language of your choice and must adhere to the following format:

- One or two paragraphs providing context about the technology
- What it is and why it's important
- Optionally: some history, current users, or relevant statistics
- Link to the GitHub repository with full code, if applicable

# Setting Up the Development Environment

How to install necessary dependencies, tools, and libraries

# 1. Step-by-Step Development Guide


# 2. Detailed Steps


# 3. One Task at a Time


## Conclusion: What’s Next?

Wrap up with conclusions and encourage the reader to continue experimenting. You can include:

- Links to official documentation
- More advanced examples
- Your personal opinion on the technology
- Your vision for the future of the technology

Article Topic Board

Ethereum Tech

Programmable Cryptography

Scroll Tech

Support, Feedback, and Questions

Join the Scroll LevelUp Telegram group for assistance.

Judging Criteria

  1. Creativity: Add your personal touch by incorporating images, GIFs, videos, code challenges or anything that makes your article easier to understand for developers. Feel free to grab inspiration from our content and challenges.
  2. Content Quality: Clear, in depth and accurate articles will score higher.
  3. Follow the Format: Follow the provided structure and make sure that the article is easy to follow.

Submit Your Article

Submit your article using the button below.


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